Starmade jump drive
Starmade jump drive

However, by default, the jumps are not that far and you wouldnt leave the system in one jump. Faster-Than-Light Travel: The jump drive block allows you to jump a distance while displaying some cool effects. Production Usage TBA Note: Jump inhibitor Range 2 is non functional as of 0.202. Needs to be physically connected with a Power Reactor by using Reactor Conduit blocks. Tl dr - Just invest chambers in multicharge and fast charging instead of engineering backup drives now. StarMade is an open ended sandbox game for the PC. Item Description Reactor Chamber to enhance FTL capabilities. I felt they were a pretty intuitive block system though, and liked the dynamic.

starmade jump drive

I think it helped theoretically free up more interior space for the average, non-pro ship.

#Starmade jump drive how to

A common first player complaint was probably seeing a huge galaxy but only being able to creep along at max thrust with their first project ship and struggling to learn how to slave and place very power-hungry jumps on tiny, first-run starter craft to not feel crippled. For accessibility and ease of use though, I get it. The idea of every short-range industrial craft having one is a bit silly, and personally I used to bank on others' religious addition of the system to gain an edge on short-range "defensive" craft without them that had slightly better block economy for eschewing jump. Personally, I think jump should still be optional and require investing at least one chamber or something to have, not be a free, stock feature on every ship. You get the one stock jump drive that you can pimp out to store multiple charges so you can always have a jump ready to fire in case you jump somewhere and need to immediately jump away to live though.

starmade jump drive starmade jump drive

Multiple jumpers aren't possible anymore.

Starmade jump drive